題目寫稍微多一些之後,我發覺赤裸裸地丟上程式碼,用處比我想像中的要小。為什麼呢? 因為我自己也幾乎不會去看別人的程式碼呀。一隻沒有遵循良好的規範,又沒有註解的程式,幾乎是不可能讀懂,而這種現象普遍存在於 ACMer 的程式碼內,都寫的又快又髒,變數隨便命名,難讀到爆炸!!! 所以依我自己的經驗,分享解題的想法或者給一個有用的測資,反而比去讀漿糊碼幫助大得多了。
ACM好站收集 : 這個列表整理了許多我解 ACM 經常參考的好站,我相信對你也同樣有用。
UVa Online Judge Problem Set
Volume I
Volume III
Volume IX
Volume CIV
Volume CXIII
題目寫稍微多一些之後,我發覺赤裸裸地丟上程式碼,用處比我想像中的要小。為什麼呢? 因為我自己也幾乎不會去看別人的程式碼呀。一隻沒有遵循良好的規範,又沒有註解的程式,幾乎是不可能讀懂,而這種現象普遍存在於 ACMer 的程式碼內,都寫的又快又髒,變數隨便命名,難讀到爆炸!!! 所以依我自己的經驗,分享解題的想法或者給一個有用的測資,反而比去讀漿糊碼幫助大得多了。
UVa Online Judge Problem Set
Volume I
- 100 - 3n+1 Easy
- 101 - The Blocks Problem Simulation
- 102 - Ecological Bin Packing Ad Hoc
- 103 - Stacking Boxes Graph+DP
- 104 - Arbitrage Graph+DP (Floyd-Warshall Algo.)
- 106 - Fermat vs. Pythagoras Pythagorean triples
- 107 - The Cat in the Hat Recursive Math
- 108 - Maximum Sum DP
- 109 - SCUD Busters Convex Hull
- 110 - Meta-Loopless Sorts Permutation
- 111 - History Grading LIS
- 112 - Tree Summing Binary Tree
- 113 - Power of Cryptography
- 114 - Simulation Wizardry Simulation
- 116 - Unidirectional TSP DP
- 136 - Ugly Numbers
- 147 - Dollars DP(換零錢)
Volume III
- 343 - What Base is This? Math(基底轉換)
- 355 - The Bases Are Loaded Math (基底轉換)
- 357 - Let Me Count The Ways DP(換零錢)
- 369 - Combinations Math (排列組合)
- 371 - Ackermann Function Brute Force (3n+1)
- 382 - Perfection Math(因數)
- 389 - Basically Speaking Math(基底轉換)
- 400 - Unix ls string
- 401 - Palindrome string
- 406 - Prime Cuts Prime
- 414 - Machined Surface
- 455 - Periodic Strings
- 458 - The Decoder
- 476 - Points in Figures: Rectangles Basic Geometry
- 482 - Permutation Arrays Sorting
- 488 - Triangle Wave
- 490 - Rotating Sentences String
- 492 - Pig-Latin String
- 494 - Kindergarten Counting Game
- 516 - Prime Land Prime
- 548 Tree Binary Tree
- 583 - Prime Factors Prime Factors
- 587 - There's treasure everywhere! 計算幾何
- 591 - Box of Bricks Easy
- 594 - One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians. Endians
- 674 - Coin Change DP (換零錢)
Volume IX
- 900 - Brick Wall Patterns Fibonacci
- 10018 - Reverse and Add
- 10033 - Interpreter Simulation
- 10035 - Primary Arithmetic 大數
- 10038 - Jolly Jumper Set
- 10050 - Hartals Set
- 10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior double or long long
- 10071 - Back to High School Physics physics
- 10079 - Pizza Cutting 平面分割
- 10082 - WERTYU
- 10125 - Sumsets
- 10137 - The Trip (小心浮點數精確度)
- 10142 - Australian Voting Simulation
- 10189 - Minesweeper
- 10196 - Check The Check Simulation
- 10200 - Prime Time Prime
- 10267 - Graphical Editor Simulation
Volume CIV
- 10405 - Longest Common Subsequence DP(LCS)
- 10499 - The Land of Justice Geometry
- 10533 - Digit Prime Prime
- 10591 - Happy Number Ad Hoc
- 10751 - Chess Board Ad Hoc
- 10783 - Odd Sum Easy
Volume CIX
Volume CX
Volume CXI
Volume CXI
- 11172 - Relational Operators Easy
- 11185 - Ternary Math(基底轉換)
- 11388 - GCD LCM GCD,LCM